Drew Dickens on AI and Divine Inquiry
In this episode of Working Theology, hosts Brandon Giella and Parker Smith welcome guest Drew Dickens to discuss the intersection of faith, technology, and theology. They explore the potential spiritual and philosophical implications of artificial intelligence, including its impact on sentience, creativity, and divinity. The conversation also delves into the use of AI in spiritual direction, divine inquiry, and even sermon writing. Dickens emphasizes the importance of proactive engagement in shaping the future of AI, rather than reactive adaptation. The episode concludes with a benediction that asks for wisdom, discernment, and humility in using AI for the betterment of all humanity.
Exploring the Intersection of Faith, Technology, and Theology
The "Working Theology" podcast's episode "On AI and Divine Inquiry" explores the fascinating intersection of faith, technology, and theology with guest Drew Dickens. The conversation traverses topics such as the recent Apple Vision Pro and advancements in machine learning, particularly related to voice-to-text functionality. The episode ponders over the potential of on-device AI, its impact on human creativity, and the potential for these new technologies to shape our spiritual lives.
The Nature of AI Intelligence
The conversation delves deeper into the nature of AI's 'intelligence.' It is emphasized that AI is not a form of simulated human intelligence but a different type altogether. It can access vast amounts of data and generate intricate responses, but lacks the ability to perform simple tasks that a two-year-old child can do. The discussion also touches on the role of AI in assisting human ideation. Humans are good at the initial stage of forming ideas (going from 'zero to one'), while AI excels at taking an existing idea and amplifying it (going from 'one to ten'). This intersection forms the crux of the relationship between human and machine intelligence.
The Digital Shepherd
The topic of AI's impact on spiritual direction and divine inquiry, referred to as 'The Digital Shepherd,' becomes the springboard for theological considerations. The speaker acknowledges that while there's not much work currently being done in the intersection of theology and AI, it's an area with tremendous potential for exploration. As AI continues to evolve, so too will its influence on our understanding and engagement with spiritual matters. The speaker discusses the use of devices for divination, as well as the inclination to use these mechanisms to communicate with the divine throughout history, which is evident in various religious contexts.
The Importance of AI Engagement
The mission of Drew's research is to encourage open conversations about AI among those who should be discussing it - educators, theologians, healthcare professionals, and more. He points out that while AI technology is being developed and used extensively in business and healthcare, it is not yet being seriously considered in theological circles. He asserts the importance of proactive engagement in shaping the future of AI, rather than reactive adaptation. The conversation concludes with Drew reading out a benediction, a prayer for those working with AI, asking for wisdom and discernment in using AI for the betterment of all humanity, upholding truth, justice, and the inherent dignity of all creation.
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A prayer for those who develop and employ artificial intelligence technologies
Almighty and Everlasting God, who has given humankind the gift of intellect and the mastery to craft tools, we beseech thee to inspire and guide those who develop and employ Artificial Intelligence technologies. Endow them with wisdom and discernment that they may use these powerful tools to serve truth, justice, and the betterment of all humanity. Grant, we pray that these advancements may reflect the inherent dignity of all creation and foster a world that uplifts the common good rather than sowing discord or inequity.Keep us mindful, O Lord, of the profound responsibility that comes with these technologies. Help us guard against the perils of hubris, respect the privacy and autonomy of all individuals, and always remember that technology is a servant, not a master.Grant us the courage to ask hard questions, the humility to learn from our mistakes, the fortitude to make right what we have wronged, and the grace to celebrate the wonder of Your creation revealed through the lens of science and technology. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.